Music Educator / Composer / Musician

Circus-scape performance at Portsmouth Guildhall - Portsmouth Music Hub - March 2013

Portsmouth Olympic Choir Event at Guildford - Portsmouth Music Hub - November 2011

Sing Out Pompey Concert at Portsmouth Guildhall - Portsmouth Music Hub - June 2015

Circus-scape performance at Portsmouth Guildhall - Portsmouth Music Hub - March 2013
Patrick Nicholls is a musician and music education specialist with over thirty years experience of teaching, composing and performing. He has provided training workshops for schools, conferences, post-graduate teacher training, percussion and vocal workshops, curriculum music tuition (KS1/2/3) and specialist music tuition for students with Social, Emotional and Mental Health needs (SEMH).
"Patrick’s passion for music is contagious. Combined with his ability to engage young people and adults alike and his talent as a teacher he has made a significant difference to pupils of all abilities." - Headteacher (of a special school for SEMH students)
He has been a workshop leader and composer for the Bayliss Programme at the English National Opera, (for whom he composed a children’s opera), written and conducted cantatas for large scale children’s performances, rehearsed choirs for performances with the BBC Concert Orchestra at the Queen Elizabeth Hall and Chichester Theatre, led and composed music for community performances at the South Bank, London and worked as an educational consultant for the Royal Marine School of Music co-leading interactive workshops for audiences of up to 400 children. He also taught and led a group of KS2 children through their first experience of drumming to a performance on the Barbican main stage in 2016.
"Thank you for the hard work, dedication and resilience you have shown in working with our year 6 pupils to prepare them for the Barbican stage... your trust in them came shining through. You have made memories for those children that will make them proud for years to come and have shown them that hard work really does pay off... The children held their own on that stage and that is down to you." - Janet Fleming (Headteacher, Ark Aryton School)
As a longstanding Senior Leader at Portsmouth Music Hub he provided training for undergraduates on the Portsmouth Primary SCITT Teacher Training programme, managed and led vocal work,(including training for Sing Up), mentored staff for Trinity College, led events and workshops in partnership with outside agencies and sourced external funding. He has also taught on the Key Stage 1 and 2 music curriculum and led drumming tuition.
"Excellent presentation of how to teach the subject. Truly superb." - SCITT student
"Patrick has been amazing at raising my confidence with teaching music. I have learnt so many brilliant strategies." - SCITT student
"Engaging and informative. Provides lots of ideas for those not so confident with teaching music." - SCITT student
"Fantastic use of varying techniques to both learn from and use to teach! Thank you!" - SCITT student

Prior to Portsmouth, Patrick worked at the Oval House Music School, London with South African musicians Eugene Skeef and Bheki Mseleku. A skilled pianist, percussionist and composer he co-led workshops in singing, percussion and jazz composition and performance.